
Sunday, August 17, 2008

2 months old

It's hard to believe, but Madalyn is already 2 months old. It goes by so fast. We just went in for her 2 month appointment - she has gained 2lbs and grown 2 inches. With the way she eats, I thought she was going to weigh more than 10lbs. I guess she has a fast metabolism :) The pictures aren't that great because I can't get her to sit still for more than a second, but doesn't she look cute in her outfit that Aunt Gail and Uncle Bob bought her - Thanks guys!!!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

What a little sweetheart!! How I wish I could be there to smother her with hugs and kisses but I will rely upon you to give her some from Aunt Gail and Uncle Bob. I am happy for Jared and his new job. I hope they are good to him and realize what a great employee they have.

Wish I had been there to help out when you were ill but hope you are all well now. It certainly a challenge when you have a little one and don't feel well. They just don't understand and they still need your attention.

I am feeling sorry for myself this week. Angie, Hayden, and Todd were here for four days last week and I had such a great time with them. Todd and Bob golfed for three of the days and Angie, Hayden, and I spent a lot of time in the pool. I can't believe how tall Hayden is getting and how handsome he is. He loves to swim and is like a little fish!

Take care and give our love to all. I need to get dressed for my BodyPump class that begins at 6. Love you ~~ Aunt Gail and Uncle Bob