
Monday, June 16, 2008

So sweet (now).

As peaceful as she looks right now, a couple of hours ago was a completely different story. She had to go to time out (or maybe it was me in time out) 2 times today. I fed her, I changed her, I held her and nothing made her happy. And when Madalyn isn't happy she let's you know about it with her cry that can be heard around the world. So it was in the best interest of both of us to put her in her room and close the door and let her (and me) cry it out.
Don't worry we are friends again and she is sleeping peacefully as you can see.


Emily said...

Oh Andrea :( I'm so sorry. I have been exactly where you are. Ava was a SCREAMER, often until she made herself throw up. I used to call my sister and just have her talk to me, while Ava was in her room screaming. Having that distraction was a life saver. PLEASE CALL ME because I have been where you are. It's hard because they are so little and you love them so much but you can't read their minds.

She is such a beautiful little girl and these days will go by quickly - when you look back on them. In the meantime, you've always got those of us who have been there.*hugs*

Unknown said...

Dearest Andrea~~I remember those days when you just wish your little one could tell you what they want or need. Now here I am a grandmother and I don't know where the time went. Before you know it Madalyn will be telling you exactly what she wants and when she wants it! I wish I could be there to be of assistance to you. I know that your parents love being available and you are indeed blessed to be surrounded by so many people who love you all. Love to all of you. ~~ Aunt Gail and Uncle Bob