
Monday, June 16, 2008


OK, so I am now officially in the "I had to give my baby a bath because there was poop all up her stomach and back" club. I had no idea that something so small could make such a big smelly (and yes green) mess. Anyway, I got it done without even a gag - I know, I guess I'm growing up.
Anyway, just thought I would share.


Coach A said...

Welcome to the Poop Club! I have thrown expensive outfits away before because I could not stand to put them in my washing machine!

Lisa said...

Welcome, my friend! I know it's part of the "yucky" club, but at least you made it! Anthony had a moment tonight, and had to call in for reinforcement! He's still not part of the club!

Emily said...

Welcome. It's not a happy place to be, but you survived! My initiation day took place at church, in the dark, in that weird room off the sanctuary. I thought I was a pro enough that I could clean owen up in the dark. Imagine my surprise when I put my hand in poop, all up his back to his neck. I threw EVERYTHING in the trash. Ugh. It still gives me the shivers!