
Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Daddy & Maddi

If you can't beat them, join them. Sometimes we are just so tired and all Madalyn wants to do is be held. So we've come up with a solution. We sleep while we hold her :) Well she usually ends up falling asleep anyway so then it makes for a nice snugly nap for both involved - and not to mention a great picture :)

We didn't start the fire... it was Jared

We had some friend over the other day and we had so much fun!!! I wanted them to all bring their kids over, but then realized that I'm not a kid friendly house yet. So I had the bright idea to do smores and fire works. With Jared supervising what could go wrong :) Well only a few brush fires were started, but they were quickly put out. And as you can see, it didn't seem to bother Isabella at all.
Thanks for coming over, we had really fun time!!!

Dry and Warm

After our day at the pool we just wrapped Madalyn up in her ducky towel and headed home in the stroller. She loved it because she was cold because her crazy mom seems to think that even though she cries in the pool that she really does loves it. As soon as I wrap her up in a warm towel she is happy as can be.